Garage Frontiers is a distributor for Lift King Automotive Lifts. They are available in 2 sizes to accommodate various vehicle dimensions and designed to be easy to use and maintain. Lift Kings movable within your garage by way of a simple removable caster system. They are available in 5 colours and operate off of 110 power.
These lifts (aka: car hoists) are serviced right out of Alberta and offer a 5 year warranty on the motor and Lifetime on the structure. Call us today about this great option to add vehicle storage and maximize your floor space!
Not sure if the Pro King 8 will fit? Contact us and we can do a consultation! They take up less space than you think, costs less than storage and super easy to use! Please give us a call at 780-463-2808 or feel free to send us an email.
Want to learn more? Check out the Garage Frontiers website.